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Score360 is a scoring and attribute engine for rapid implementation and deployment of scorecards, strategies, and credit bureau attributes.

Score360 is available for real-time or off-line decisions. Several features are available depending on your business requirements:

• Over 1,100 comprehensive and state-of-the-art tri-bureau credit attributes
• All the system functionality needed to quickly and accurately implement your custom scorecards
• Ready-to-use interfaces to consumer and commercial credit bureaus
• Fast implementation of custom interfaces to internal databases and other data sources
• Maintenance of a historical database for reporting and scorecard validation including a performance feedback loop
• Standard and custom scorecard monitoring and validation reports
• Ready-to-use Scoring Solutions credit bureau attribute library
• Programming of scorecards and score-cutoffs and delivery of decisions and strategies
• Workflow tools to ensure that the scoring process works as designed
• Fully tested interfaces, credit bureau attributes and scorecard calculations
• Model development attribute calculator (standardized for tri-bureau use)
• Updates to models, as needed
• Suite of ready-to-use Expert Models for various industries and product lines
• Secure data transfer protocols
• Quick decision turnaround time


Years of


Records in our
Databases for lenders




Analytic Models
We’ve Built


Qualified Leads We’ve
Helped Generate


In Marketing
for Lenders